Current date/time is Mon May 06, 2024 5:57 am

Forum Terms of service

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In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

English OnlyThe moderators/administrators and other users must be able to read and comprehend your posts. To ensure this, we ask that everyone posts in English. All mods/admins are able to read and write in English. You may also write in other languages to your friends in PM. This applies to PMs to mods/admins, arcade comments, gallery comments, user profiles, posts, and threads titles.FlamingAny posts that are hateful or mean in nature will be removed immediately. We do not tolerate attacks based on race, religion, gender, s**ual orientation, or political affiliation or any posts indicating grieving other users on the forums or in game by purposefully causing them to go sad because of their laugh limit, gag limit, age, etc.. No personal threats or harassment. This includes posting pictures representing an attack. Debate opinions and not the people behind them. This also applies to all forums, threads, posts, private messages, profiles, avatars and signatures.Impersonation Of Other UsersCreating accounts on the site with similar names of existing users in order to cause chaos or misconceptions towards that user is not allowed and it can lead to permanent suspension from the site.No new accounts can be made using "CL_" in username. Existing and new users who are Community Leaders and would like to use (or continue to use) "CL_" in their usernames MUST be verified through one of our Moderators in-game.Anyone impersonating or acting like they are an administrator or moderator is not allowed and can result in disciplinary action. If a user finds a thread or post that is inappropriate please report the thread or post and let the administration and moderating staff handle the situation.Irritating Posting StylesThis refers to posting styles which make it hard to read and/or comprehend what a user is attempting to state on their post(s). Mods and other users must be able to read and understand what you are posting. Use of all caps (indicates yelling), caps/lowercase variances (I wAnT A sEcReT fRiEnD), poor color choices for their text vs. forums background colors (such as white text on a yellow background), excessive punctuation (yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or letter repetition in a word (Woooooooot!) are both irritating and sometimes hard to read. These types of posts will be removed from the forums or edited by a mod.This also applies to all forums, threads, posts, private messages, profiles, avatars and signatures.Multiple/Sharing AccountsMembers are only allowed one username per person in a household and are strongly discouraged from sharing accounts with other family members and / or friends. In terms of guideline violations, moderators/administrators may track multiple shared accounts from single or multiple computers as one account. If a guideline violation is severe enough, it may become necessary to ban/delete one or all of the usernames on the same computer, depending on the severity. You are responsible for anyone and everyone who uses your account and/or accesses other accounts from your computer.The actions of one person could easily directly impact all known shared message board accounts.NOTE: This does not apply to Admins/Moderators, we sometimes need multiple accounts to test technical issues that come up from various user levels and to do that properly it requires us to create "test" accounts.Off-Topic/Nonsense PostsIf your post/thread doesn't make sense or is filled with gibberish, these posts will be removed. While we expect that some topics will stray a bit, if it completely hijacks the thread and/or disrupts the flow, those posts will either be removed or split into its own thread.Personal Relationship DiscussionPosts/threads created to specifically discuss any of the following topics are not allowed since we maintain a strict G-rating on these forums: Taken, Baby, seeking or advocating BF/GF, Kissing, Dating, Weddings, Engagements, or any real life or virtual relationships. This is due to the adult/inappropriate nature these posts can take.ScammingCreating posts in which a user attempts to take advantage of any other user by taking or falsely trading items such as in lotteries/raffles or any other forms of gambling is not allowed. Trading items through the ToonTown Cattlelog for monetary gain, buying time to power level toons/players, etc or posts relating to such acts are not allowed.A scam is the act of acquiring item(s) or any other possession from another player through misinformation, confusion, or fraud. Posts which include advertised player-run games, contests, clubs, or groups that require entry/participation based on items given to the owner of the event are not allowed.We do not allow the advertising of games that can cause harm to some members while enriching others. "Project Credits", "Donate your T-shirts for this prize," and similar types of posts/games/contests are not within the standards we have set for,,, or perpetrators are known as scammers and these types of acts will not be tolerated on our site.This also applies to all forums, threads, posts, private messages, profiles, avatars and signatures.Spamming"Spam" refers to posting identical and/or irrelevant messages to one thread or many different threads that have nothing to do with the intended subject, or posts that disrupt a thread or fill the message board with clutter. Mass PMing people you don't know or who haven't invited you to PM them, posting for the sole purpose of boosting your post count, threads with the sole purpose of posting "what I did today..." (this is a forum, not a blog or chatroom), excessive bumping of threads (you are allowed one bump per thread twenty-four (24) hours after the last post created in the thread!), one or two letter replies (i.e. ok, LOL, Yes, agreed, nods), and excessive use of smileys as a response are all considered "spam".This applies to all forums, threads, posts, private messages, profiles, avatars and signatures.TrollingIntentionally posting false arguments, flames or personal attacks for no other purpose than to incite a negative reaction, annoy others or disrupt a discussion is also prohibited. These perpetrators are known as "trolls".Anyone impersonating or acting like they are an administrator or moderator is not allowed and can result in disciplinary action. If a user finds a thread or post that is inappropriate please report the thread or post and let the administration and moderating staff handle the situation.This applies to all forums, threads, posts, private messages, profiles, avatars and signatures with the intent to harass the members or staff of this site.Violators of this policy will result in suspension of their account.